Everything You Need to Know About V-Steaming at Her Secret Garden V-Steam

Have you heard about V-Steaming? I finally took the plunge and got one! V-steaming is a holistic treatment that combines steam and oil from herbs to cleanse your va-jay-jay and enhance it’s health. Are you intrigued yet? Keep reading to get the scoop on my V-Steaming experience at Her Secret Garden V-Steam.


So, What Happens First?

I was slightly nervous before I walked in for my appointment. I’d visited Her Secret Garden for their Opening Celebration and toured the space, but this was the first time I’d be getting a treatment. I was greeted by Co-Founder Darlene who explained the process and asked me to fill out an intake form. The form asks many candid questions about your health to ensure you receive a proper custom blend of herbs for your steam. I love that there’s no one-shoe-fits-all-approach when it comes to making the blends.


After Darlene reviewed my form, she went over what type of cleanse I’d be getting and handing me a cute purple gown to change into. After changing it was time to head to my sanitized custom v-steam throne!

The Experience

Once I was seated, she checked to make sure the steam wasn’t too hot and that I felt ok. Steams last for 20 minutes and you’re left alone to relax, meditate, read a book, or just sit quietly during your steam. Relaxing spa music plays in the background and you can enjoy wine or another beverage of your choice.


My experience was very relaxing. The entire process feels like you’re getting a facial (without the massage).. I didn’t experience any discomfort, and Darlene checked in about half way through to make sure I was ok.

Reasons Why Women Steam

There are so many different reasons why women steam. The following physical benefits can occur from V-Steaming:

  • Helps to restore bacterial and ph balance to aid in prevention of infections, bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections and odors

  • Reduction in pain, bloating and exhaustion associated with menstruation

  • Decreases heavy menstrual flow

  • Regulation of irregular or absent menstrual cycles

  • Detoxification of the womb and body

  • More rapid healing and a toning of the reproductive system after giving birth

  • Eases discomfort of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse & endometriosis

  • Promotes healing of vaginal tear, episiotomy, or C-section scar 

  • Relief for symptoms of menopause including dryness or pain 

  • Can tighten the vaginal canal

Since I’m trying to conceive and also have a history with fibroids, I figured that V-Steaming was worth a try. Keep mind that you shouldn’t steam if any of the conditions below apply to you:

  • Can’t be on your period

  • Can’t be pregnant

  • Can’t have the arm implant (Nexplanon birth control)

  • Clients with an IUD can steam no longer than 10 minutes


I really enjoyed my V-Steaming experience and I would do it again. Her Secret Garden offers monthly packages and you can also purchase their herbs to do your own steaming at home! Plus you can grab your girlfriends and have a party! Have you ever tried V-steaming?
