Mama Must-Have for Baby Gas and Digestive Issues: Evivo Probiotics

This post is sponsored by Evivo, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own

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I can’t believe I’m a few months into motherhood! The journey thus far has been exciting, rewarding, and overwhelming at times. Now that I’ve gotten a “little” experience under my belt, I can reflect on the first three months of Skyy’s life.

The newborn stage was the hardest for the hubster and I. From the get go, Skyy suffered from horrible gas and experienced digestion issues. Bicycle kicks, stretches, gas drops, and tummy rubs became our norm, but they didn’t eliminate her issues. I felt so much guilt because I couldn’t make her pain go away. The fussiness and lack of sleep only added to a difficult situation. 

I constantly searched for remedies to alleviate baby gas and eventually I reached my breaking point. During one of Skyy’s check ups we mentioned her issue to her pediatrician. She recommended we switch her formula to a sensitive blend but also use a probiotic. As an adult, I take probiotics regularly but I never realized they’re also beneficial for babies.

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I’ve noticed a huge improvement in her digestion now that she takes clinically-proven Evivo probiotics. I’m happy to say that our days of gas and fussiness are over. Like any baby, Skyy gets constipated on occasion, but her gas issues are now non-existent!

If I could do things all over again, I would’ve given Skyy Evivo earlier during the newborn stage. I know hindsight is 20/20 and motherhood is a learning process, but I would’ve felt more confident knowing that I was able to help her build a stronger immune system.

The first 6 months of life are essential for establishing a healthy infant gut microbiome. When more good bacteria are present in the gut, it creates a protective wall and crowds out the bad bacteria. Evivo contains B. infantis EVC001, which is a proprietary strain clinically proven to create a protective environment in baby’s gut. This strain helps protect babies from the harmful effects of gut pathogens and helps safeguard baby’s short and long-term health.

One of the things I love about Evivo is it’s so easy to give. You simply mix the probiotic powder with breast milk or formula and put it into an infant syringe. The product is easy to store in the freezer, and I use one sachet per day. You can also store Evivo in the refrigerator for 1 month, but it lasts much longer in the freezer.

Learn more about how Evivo helps develop a stronger immune system, and don’t miss out on your chance to get $10 off your Evivo starter kit of 4 weeks with code (BLOGP37P55), or receive $20 off your Evivo starter kit of 8 weeks or more with code (BLOGK29QB6)!

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Evivo has been a game changer for relieving baby gas. It’s given me a happy baby and made me a happy mama! Have you ever tried Evivo?
